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> способности Фракций, конверция под 3.5
Oct 3 2004, 12:48

Arch Enemy

The Hive

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Вот, что у меня получилось:
Benefits. Followers of the Athar faction are immune to these spells: bestow curse, curse, divination, enthrall, exaction, holy word. And they gain +2 ST vs. magical scrying.
Restrictions. Because Athars deny the validity of the powers, priests of specific deities can't provide known Athars with aid in the form of spells and magical devices, particularly those of healing. Only the most dire circumstances can compel a priest to violate this restriction. 'Course, no self-respecting Athar would let any toadie of a power touch him, anyway...

Benefits. Because they believe that all things have potential, Godsmen are generally well received throughout the planes. They gain a +2 bonus to diplomacy checks to all encounter reactions with planar beings.
Restrictions. In addition to the restrictions on priests described above, Godsmen can't be raised or resurrected by any means. However, they can automatically be reincarnated as a player character race (of the DM's choice).

Benefits. Considered mad by most, devotees of the Bleak Cabal are immune to spells causing madness or insanity. Furthermore, Bleakers gains +1 bonus to all saving throw vs. Mind affecting spells directed at them.
Restrictions. Bleakers are subject to fits of deep melancholia as they reflect on the pointlessness of life. At the start of each game day, the player rolls 1d20. On a roll of 20, the character is overcome by the futility of his or her own beliefs. The basher won't do anything unless philosophically convinced by another that it's worthwhile. Note that a monster eating another party member is not sufficient justification. (To the Bleaker, the poor sod's life or death is pointless anyway.)

Benefits. The Doomguard is very military in organization and outlook. All members are trained to fight with a sword, gaining weapon focus (longsword) as a bonus feat. Those bashers normally denied the use of swords can use one without penalty, but they must abide by all other restrictions of their class.
Restrictions. The Doomguard are naturally resistant to healing and cures. For any such spell or magical device to have effect, a Doomguard cutter must first fail a saving throw vs. spell. If the save is successful, the magic is negated.

Benefits. The Dustmen have one of the most unique abilities of all the factions, embodied in the Bead Truce. This truce is a pact, reached in times more ancient than memory, between the Dustmen and the beings of the undead realm. The effect of the truce is that the undead'll ignore a Dustman, so long as the Dustman does nothing to harm the undead creature. If the Dustman breaks the pact, the undead and its companions will treat the sod as they would any other living being. This pact applies only to Dustmen. If one of this faction is with other bashers, the undead will react to the rest of the group normally (attacking, for example) while ignoring the Dustman. Should the Dustman aid his companions, those undead are released from the pact. Because of this possibility, it's more common to find Dustmen working side by side with zombies and such.
Restrictions. A Dustman's chance of resurrection survival is half that of other characters. The concept of raising and resurrection is counter to the philosophy of the faction, and so it's not something willingly accepted by most Dustmen.

Benefits. The Fated are great believers in self-sufficiency. They gain additional 4 skillpoints at 1 level and 1 skillpoint at thereafter levels. All skills are classcills for Fated
Restrictions. Adherents to this philosophy can't accept or perform charity in any capacity. Everything they receive must be earned in one fashion or another, and the service must be provided before the payment is given.

Benefits. With their incessant search for order in all things, the Guvners have a highly attuned sense of patterns. They can automatically comprehend languages as a spell once per day. Upon reaching 7th level in their chosen class, Guvners gain enough knowledge of the multiverse to use item once per day, regardless of class.
Restrictions. Guvners believe in laws, though the rightness or wrongness of them often makes little difference. A Guvner won't knowingly break a law, unless he or she can find a legalistic loophole to avoid the penalty.

Benefits. Being bodies of their own minds, Indeps are a stubborn lot, hard to persuade. This gives them a natural resistance to mind-affecting effects. Indeps save vs. Mind-affecting effects with a +2 bonus on their roll. Against charms that wouldn't normally allow a saving throw, Indeps make a normal saving throw (without the bonus).
Restrictions. Being independent, the Free League has no factol and therefore is not represented in any city business. Indeps have no judge in the courts, nor any seat on the council. Not surprisingly, in Sigil Indeps have few protected rights.

Benefits. Members of the Harmonium gain benefits from their firm beliefs and fierce dedication to them. All members of the Harmonium are able to use charm person once per day, regardless of class or level.
Restrictions. Their rigid beliefs also expose several weaknesses in Harmonium philosophy. Any variance from the orders of a Harmonium superior requires an atonement on the part of the character before he or she can rejoin the ranks of the faction. Members who "turn stag" - betray the faction - are automatically sentenced to death by the factol. Even refusing to return to the faction's ranks is considered treasonous.

Benefits. Because of their passion for punishment, every Mercykiller can detect lie to a single question once per day.
Restrictions.Mercykillers consider themselves innocent of crimes when these are committed in the course of punishing a known criminal. Should a Mercykiller commit a crime for any other reason, he or she would be subject to full punishment under the law. Furthermore, although a Mercykiller can accept the surrender of an individual (so that person can be properly punished), he can never release a lawbreaker until the proper sentence has been carried out.

Benefits. The Anarchists' power is limited but cunning. They can automatically pose as a member of any other faction without being detected (they gain +10 bonus to disguise checks when pose as a member of other faction). They don't gain special abilities that are spell or training related (such as a Xaositect's babble or a Cipher's initiative bonus), but they can benefit from abilities related to position or title, including access to the faction's headquarters.
Restrictions. Anarchists can never hold any public office or noble title, own a business, or take part in anything that would tie them into the power structure of the planes. Fully 90% of all treasure gained by those bashers must be distributed either to the cause or to the oppressed. In no case can it be given to another player character or player-controlled nonplayer character.

Benefits. Because they believe all the world is created from within, Signers are hard to fool with illusions of any type. A Signer automatically gains a +2 bonus to saving throw vs. illusions.
Restrictions. Perhaps because of their often immense egos, Signers have difficulty understanding the motives and feelings of others. Hence, they suffer a -2 penalty diplomacy checks of nonplayer characters.

Benefits. All Sensates have highly attuned senses. They have darkvision to 60 feet, regardless of race (do not stack with racial ability), and they gain a +2 bonus to all saves vs. poison.
Restrictions. While not to the point of foolhardiness, Sensates are fascinated by new tastes, smells, and so forth. Whenever possible, they'll seek out new experiences. In practice, they can't refuse offers that could lead to these - a new wine, an exotic flower, or whatever. Only when faced with obvious deadly peril will they shun such temptations.

Benefits. The training of a Cipher stresses quick and unhesitating action. Thus, all Ciphers gain a +2 bonus to their initiative rolls.
Restrictions. Because Ciphers act unhesitatingly, they suffer a unique restriction: In play, as soon as an action is stated for a Cipher player character, that cutter is committed to the action. The player can't say, "Oh, wait, I changed my mind!" Bashers who pause to consider or debate pending actions are failing to adhere to the philosophy.

Benefits. Believers in the ultimate power of Chaos, the Xaositects can use babble once per day, regardless of race or class. Any nonxaositect do not understand their bubble
Restrictions. The Chaosmen are committed to the power of Chaos. As such, they can never found businesses, build strongholds, raise armies, or undertake any other action that requires long-term organization and discipline. Indeed, they just barely hold their faction together as it is.

Benefits. Outsiders gain the benefits for prime characters, described earlier. In addition, within Sigil, Outsiders are frequently hired for mercenary work, since their lack of faction allegiance is seen as a benefit.
Restrictions. Outsiders are not subject to the general resource restrictions of the other faction kits.

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Oct 3 2004, 12:51



2 Adamantium
отношения между фракциями не указаны.

Exterminate! Eradicate! Pawa overwhelming! ©
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+Цитировать сообщение
Oct 3 2004, 12:54

Arch Enemy

The Hive

2 HCMan
Так они от редакции не зависят

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+Цитировать сообщение
Oct 3 2004, 12:58



2 Adamantium
а понял. торможу.

Exterminate! Eradicate! Pawa overwhelming! ©
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Oct 4 2004, 00:04

random kindness


это типа неофициальная конверсия фракций под 3ед. имхо, очень здоровская если использовать аккуратно. я использую ее с некоторыми собственными дополнениями и изменениями (под свой вкус и под 3.5).

Planescape 3rd Edition Faction Conversion Guide

This is a conversion guide for all the factions that appear in the 2nd edition book, The Factol’s Manifesto. This book is required to use this guide properly. The abilities described herein replace those abilities in The Factol’s Manifesto under the headings of “Faction Abilities”. Do not use these in addition to those in that book, or your campaign may just take a turn for the worst. As always with home brewed conversions and rules, if you do not like a rule either change it or don’t use it. Remember, it’s your campaign and you are in charge of these things.


Faction Abilities

• Athar are immune to the following faith based spells: Bane, Augury, Bestow Curse, Divination, Commune, Mark of Justice, Quest, and Holy Word.
• Clerics of specific deities may not willingly help an Athar with beneficial spells, especially healing. An Athar with a straight head (not mentally controlled somehow) would never accept this aid anyway, even upon his deathbed.
• Athar receive a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. spells cast by clerics, proxies and servants of deities. This bonus also applies to the spell-like powers of beings such as celestials and demons who are directly serving a deity.
• Four or more Athar of at least 4th level may join hands around a specific creature to banish it. This effect acts, in all respect, as the Banishment spell. This ability requires a full round to complete. Because of this restriction, most creatures must first be bound somehow before this ability is used.

Believers of the Source

Faction Abilities

• Believers automatically receive 2 free ranks into the Diplomacy skill. This is to represent that they are unbiased toward anyone in particular and therefore are easy to get along with.
• It is impossible to resurrect an Athar short of a Wish or Miracle. Even then the Athar must roll a Will save vs. DC 20 in order for the attempt to succeed.
• Believer clerics who worship a specific deity suffer from a lack of ultimate faith. Such characters receive a –1 penalty to all saving throws.
• Since Believers believe that anyone can become a deity, such faith in themselves gives them true insight to the workings of the Powers. At 1st level and every five levels after that (to a maximum of level 20) a Believer may choose one Clerical Orison that they may cast each once per day.
• A Believers faith in himself allows him to cure himself as a cleric would. Once per day a Believer may Cure Light Wounds on himself. This ability can not affect anyone else except another Believer.

Bleak Cabal

Faction Abilities

• Bleakers are immune to madness inducing spells. Any spell that causes confusion or insanity fails to work on a Bleaker. Examples of such spells are as follows: Confusion, Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter, Otto’s Irresistible Dance, and Feeblemind.
• Once a Bleaker has gained 7th level or higher he may begin to absorb madness from one person into himself. This ability is used just as described in the Factol’s Manifesto.
• A Bleaker of 5th level may cast Confusion once per day at a level equal to his character level.


Faction Abilities

• A Doomguard may choose a free proficiency in any single sword. This may be a simple, martial or even exotic weapon if the player so chooses.
• At 3rd level a Doomguard gains the Weapon Focus feat for the above weapon. This feat is free and does not count against the characters normal amount of feats.
• Entropy Blow: Once per week, regardless of weapon, a Doomguard may attempt an Entropy Blow against one opponent. The attack is considered a Full-round Action, so other actions may not be taken until the characters next round. The attack must hit by 5 or more than what is normally needed (i.e. if you normally need to hit AC 18, you must now hit at least AC 23). If the attack misses the 5 or higher mark, but still hits normally, then normal damage is dealt, but the attempt still counts for the week and still takes the full round to perform. If the attack succeeds, the Doomguard adds his level into the damage he does and his critical threat range decreases by two points and critical hits are one multiplier higher. Example: A level 7 Doomguard hits with his long sword, delivering an Entropy Blow. He adds 7 to his total damage rolled. Normally a long sword has a threat of 19-20/x2 but with the Entropy Blow this increases to 17-20/x3. Critical hits with this ability are devastating indeed!


Faction Abilities

• Dustmen have a pact with undead creatures called the Dead Truce. No undead will attack a Dustman, unless magically commanded to do so somehow. This pact ends if the Dustman ever willfully attacks an undead creature. Undead can sense this pact with the Dustman and knows if it has ever been violated regardless of magical protections.
• Once per day a Dustman may Command Undead as a 1st level cleric. This power is not considered an evil act to non-evil Dustmen, but may be considered evil to others. Dustmen clerics gain a 4 point bonus to their Charisma score (not modifier) for purposes of commanding undead. This bonus does not apply to anything else. Regardless of alignment, Dustmen clerics never turn or destroy undead. They always command them.
• A Dustman must remain either impartial when his fellow party members are fighting undead or he must assist the undead. Most party members would appreciate him just remaining impartial for obvious reasons. Just because there is a Dustman in a party will not prevent undead creatures from attacking the party, but if the Dead Truce is in effect, they will not attack the Dustman. Intelligent undead may be willing to parley (accept bribes and magic items) to leave the party alone if a Dustman is present.
• A Dustman has only a 50% chance to be resurrected. If this roll fails then nothing short of a Wish or Miracle can restore the Dustman back to life.


Faction Abilities

• All Fated start the game with double their initial skill points. In addition to this they may chose any skills (provided they are not “Trained Only” skills) without suffering the cross class penalties. This only applies at level one. After this all cross class skills must be purchased normally, though they may always raise cross class skills as high as a normal skill (level plus three).
• Membership in the Fated allows the following skills to be bought as if they were class skills and never suffer any cross class penalties to them: Pick Pockets, Diplomacy, Bluff, and Sense Motive. These skills are available to show how well the Fated are at Stealing, Talking their way out of things, and Haggling.
• All Fated characters start with double the normal starting gold.

Fraternity of Order

Faction Abilities

• Once per day a Guvner may cast Comprehend Languages as a caster equal to the level of the character.
• At level 5 the Guvner gains a true understanding to the laws of the multiverse and can react to situations accordingly. To represent this, the Guvner gains a +1 bonus to attack, damage or saving throw rolls once per day. This ability also allows the Guvner to apply this same number as a penalty to a foes attack, damage or saving throw rolls once per day as well. This bonus/penalty increases every three additional levels (at level 8 it’s +2/-2, level 11 +3/-3, etc) to a maximum of 6 points at level 20.
• Guvners suffer a –2 to all saving throws vs. Chaos related spells and effects such as Confusion and all spells from the Chaos domain.

Free League

Faction Abilities

• Indeps Gain a +1 to saves vs. spells against any Mind-Affecting spells and effects. This bonus increases by one for every 5th level of the character to a maximum of +5 at level 20. If the spell normally doesn’t allow a save (such as Geas) then the character gets to roll a save anyway, but may not add this bonus. Bonuses from magic items or other spells still remain in effect for this purpose though.
• Indeps of 3rd level and higher have a chance to identify the faction of another creature, regardless of defensive spells or disguises. This chance allows an Indep to roll a d20+WIS bonus+Level against a DC of 20. If the character being identified has the Bluff skill, then the Indep must roll an opposed check against the other characters Bluff skill (or the normal DC if it is higher). This ability doesn’t work as well against an Anarchist who’s imitating another faction. If used against an Anarchist in this fashion, the Indep must succeed against a DC of 30 (or the Anarchists Bluff skill if it is better.


Faction Abilities

• Once per day the Harmonium may cast Charm Person. At level 5 this ability is upgraded to Charm Monster. When it is upgraded it may still only be used once per day though.
• At 4th level the Harmonium gain a free Weapon Focus feat in a weapon of their choice. This weapon must be one in which they are already proficient.
• At 7th level the Harmonium gains a +2 bonus to saves vs. fear and emotion related spells and spell-like abilities. Such effects include fear, Scare, eyebite, and even effects from powerful creatures, such as dragon fear.


Faction Abilities

• Mercykillers may cast Zone of Truth once per day as a caster of equal level.
• Mercykillers may cast Shocking Grasp once per day as a caster of equal level.
• Twice a day a Mercykiller may deliver a Justice Blow to an enemy. This attack must be announced and is counted as a Full-round Action. If the attack succeeds, damage is doubled. As great as this may seem, the Mercykiller is giving up a part of himself to deliver justice to the unlawful. In effect, half the damage caused is taken by the Mercykiller. Some Mercykillers have died in this act, always bringing down the unjust in the process. All Mercykillers are willing to lay down their lives in such a manner in the pursuit of justice.

Sign of One

Faction Abilities

• Signers have the ability to imagine things into existence. By doing this they may mimic any spell of up to 4th level into existence. To do this they must pass a d20 check. The Signer may add their WIS bonus and level into this check against a DC of 20. After the first try they suffer a DC of 5 points higher. This is cumulative. Once the check has failed they may not attempt to imagine anything again until the full day has past. When the full day has past, they have refreshed this ability back to a DC of 20. If the Signer ever rolls a natural 1 on the d20 check they have imagined themselves out of existence and become a Shadow Conjured version of themselves. This reduces them to one fifth on everything as a Shadow Conjuration spell states in its’ description. When this happens they must wait an entire day before they can imagine anything again. Once this day has past they may attempt an imagine check to restore themselves back to normal.

Society of Sensation

Faction Abilities

• Sensates gain a +1 bonus to saves vs. poisons.
• Sensates gain a +2 bonus to Spot, Listen, and Sense Motive checks.
• Sensates may choose th above three skills as class skills, regardless of what their actual class is.
• Sensates begin with triple starting gold when the character is first created.
• At 3rd level, Sensates may absorb damage into themselves. They may absorb a number of hit points equal to their level times four from a wounded character. These hit points then damage the Sensate by an equal amount. The Sensate may use this ability multiple times a day as long as she doesn’t go past her maximum.

The Revolutionary League

Faction Abilities

• Anarchists may choose the following skills regardless if they are cross class skills or not. For the Anarchist, these skills are considered normal class skills, regardless of what class they are: Pick Pockets, Open Locks, Hide, Move Silently, Climb, Decipher Script, Innuendo, Bluff, and Sense Motive. If any skills named here is already a class skill then the Anarchist gains a +2 synergy bonus to it, just for being an Anarchist.
• The Anarchists greatest ability is being able to pose as a member of any other faction. Anarchists are the perfect characters for infiltrating other factions. Use this ability as described in the Factol’s Manifesto.

Transcendent Order

Faction Abilities

• A Cipher gains the Improved Initiative feat for free.
• At 3rd level a Cipher gains a +1 additional bonus to initiative rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level.
• At 1st level a Cipher gains a +1 bonus to saving throws vs. mind affecting spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by one point every five levels thereafter to a maximum of +5 at level 20.


Faction Abilities

• Xaositects have a natural immunity to all spells from the Law domain and any other spells that dictate law and order.
• Once per week a Xaositect may cast a modified version of the Tongues spell. When this is cast, all communication in a 30’ radius is garbled. No communication is understood by anyone. A tongues spell cast by a caster of equal or greater level than the Xaositect may counter this effect.
• Once per day a Xaositect may cast Confusion as a caster of equal level to the character.
• At 5th level a Xaositect always radiated a special Non-detection. This works like the spell of the same name in all respects, but only works against the spells of lawful spellcasters. It does not work against magical items in any way.
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Oct 4 2004, 22:40



• All Fated start the game with double their initial skill points

Разве может человек родится уже принадлежа фракции? Что делать, если кто-нибудь вступает во фракцию и у него уже есть уровни?

Ограничь себя размышлениями и всегда пропустишь основной момент собственной жизни. Жизнь - это игра, правила которой ты узнаешь, погружаясь в нее и проигрывая ее до конца. Нe-играющие часто скулят и жалуются, что счастье всегда обходит их стороной. Они отказываются увидеть то, что сами могут творить свою удачу.

Если нельзя, но очень хочется, то можно.
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Oct 5 2004, 00:44

random kindness


2 Elgor
1 нет конечно! но на первом уровне уже можно быть во фракции, если очень хочется. вообще пс лучше водить с третьего и дальше
2 руководствоваться здравым смыслом. не все плюшки надо давать сразу. если отыгрывает - пусть получит, если нет - извините
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Oct 5 2004, 15:23



А как быть с Faction War? Делать вид, что ее не было? Или принять за данность, что те фракции, что распустили, распустили только в Сигиле, а в прочих местах они функционируют?

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Oct 5 2004, 18:14

Arch Enemy

The Hive

2 deddem
использовать фиты с плейнволкера и абилки престижей из планар хендбука

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Oct 9 2004, 23:16



2 руководствоваться здравым смыслом. не все плюшки надо давать сразу. если отыгрывает - пусть получит, если нет - извините

Так что давать, а что нет?

Хех, кстати моя подпись очень подходит под высказывание THE FATED, хотя эта фраза из Дюны.

Ограничь себя размышлениями и всегда пропустишь основной момент собственной жизни. Жизнь - это игра, правила которой ты узнаешь, погружаясь в нее и проигрывая ее до конца. Нe-играющие часто скулят и жалуются, что счастье всегда обходит их стороной. Они отказываются увидеть то, что сами могут творить свою удачу.

Если нельзя, но очень хочется, то можно.
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Oct 12 2004, 15:59

random kindness


2 Elgor
так я ж те и говорю: смотря какой персонаж. надо посмотреть и мозгом пошевелить. вот если бы ты описал, что там за герой, тебе бы наверняка рассказали, что ему стоит дать
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Feb 24 2010, 03:20

random kindness


я тут похоже кое-что пропустил

никто под 4е не апдэйтил?
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Feb 24 2010, 03:42

Hush Hush


stivie, под 4-ку произошло сильное смещение планов в т.ч. всей схемы мироздания. Фракции, уцелевшие после Factions War упомянуты в Manual of Planes с учётом пары парагон-путей развития (типа думгардов). Возможно стоит порыться на глимаксе, может тему раскрыли подробнее.

yyy: Знать Дзирта и не знать Векну - убейте его из милосердия)
Currently playing / GMing: Planescape (rules-free) / Ultima
Currently preparing / working on: Ultima-fork / Мастера Духов
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Геометр Теней
Feb 24 2010, 06:19

Шепот из-за спины

Барнаул, по ту сторону тени.

никто под 4е не апдэйтил?
Люди апдейтили в виде фитов - вот, например

Насчет того, что в четвертом MotP есть парагоны под старые фракции - это точно? Я их вроде там не видел. Видел в Dragon-е описание Mercykillers...

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Feb 24 2010, 11:19

Частый гость


Собственно, Doomguard Marauder и, насколько я помню, всё :]

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