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> Low Life: Rise Of The Lowly, Savage Worlds
Jul 25 2008, 04:21

Hush Hush


На этот раз даже без обзора и не выкладываю у себя (на мегааплоад). Это сеттинг для Savage Worlds. Как в это играть не понимаю. Если мне объяснят - буду признателен.

Sword & Sorcery Adventure in a shattered world inhabited by the descendants of cockroaches, worms, snack cakes, and stranded aliens. Discover the arcane secrets of hocus pokery, dementalism, smellcasting, and holy rolling. Battle hideous beasts, risen from the rubble of ancient civilizations. Enjoy a light lunch at the Primordial Soup Kitchen. Mutha Oith is a world of grand adventure and deadly peril; a world of conflict and danger. It is a land of epic heroism and great evil, a realm of horror and violence, a bold land where even the lowliest cockroach can become a king by his own sword and the most wretched gob of filth can become a gawd.

Are you werm enough to follow your destiny? Do you have the nuggets to take your rightful place among Oith's most valiant heroes? If so, strap on your esophagator hide shield, pick up your poo flinger and your big ass cleaver, mount your pygmy slog, whisper a prayer to Jelvis, kiss your larvae goodbye, and open the goosin' book. The muck-riddled road to epic adventure stands before you...

Low Life is by far the weirdest thing Pinnacle has ever published, and we're proud of it. It's a creation of Andy Hopp, who is as incredible at writing and game design as he is at art. The man is truly a genius, though perhaps of the "mad genius" variety.

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yyy: Знать Дзирта и не знать Векну - убейте его из милосердия)
Currently playing / GMing: Planescape (rules-free) / Ultima
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Jul 28 2008, 23:24

Hush Hush


Некоторая аналогия с Пратчетом и его Дискворлдом?

yyy: Знать Дзирта и не знать Векну - убейте его из милосердия)
Currently playing / GMing: Planescape (rules-free) / Ultima
Currently preparing / working on: Ultima-fork / Мастера Духов
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